8 Aug 2012

English summer frittata

Today we harvested some beautiful green and yellow courgettes from the veg patch in Sasha's parents' garden. The weather this year has meant that the patch hasn't been as successful as in past years, but these little courgettes have flourished! A neighbour kindly gave us some lovely Vivaldi potatoes, freshly plucked from the ground, and we had a box of fresh free range eggs in the pantry, so what better than to make a tasty frittata for supper. A few delicious ingredients, simply put together, so that you can taste each and every one. A simple recipe, which proves that you need not eat meat at every meal to be fully satisfied. 

English Summer Frittata



2 medium green courgettes, diced
3 small yellow courgettes, diced
150 g fresh broad beans, podded
2 medium onions, sliced into half moons
3 large Vivaldi potatoes, peeled and cut into dice
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5 large free range eggs
a dash of milk
50 g mature cheddar cheese, grated
a few chives, snipped
5 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Notes - The term dice is approximate, say about 1-2 cm in size.


1. Start by cooking your potatoes and onions. Heat the sunflower oil in a large frying pan and add the prepared potatoes and onions. Season lightly with salt. Gently shallow fry, without colouring, for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked through.

2. In the meantime, fry off your courgettes in the olive oil with a little salt and pepper, until lightly browned, approx 10 minutes.

3. Boil the broad beans for a couple of minutes. Run them under cold water to cool them down and then pop them out of their papery outer skins. This is well worth the effort!

4. Crack your eggs into a jug and add a dash of milk. Season well with salt and pepper and whisk together.

5. Once the potatoes have cooked, drain away the majority of the oil. Once all of the component parts of your frittata have been cooked/prepared, place them all into the large frying pan along with the potatoes and onions and the finely chopped garlic. Fry for a minute before pouring over your egg mixture. Turn the vegetables over in the egg to ensure everything is well combined, level the top and leave to cook gently over a low heat. Preheat your grill.

6. When the bottom of the frittata has cooked, pop under the grill to cook the top. This should only take a few minutes if your grill is hot. Once cooked through, scatter the grated cheese over the top and place under the grill again to melt and colour the cheese. When you are happy that it is cooked, remove the frittata from the grill, sprinkle some chives over the top and serve.

Serve with a mixed salad.

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