17 Aug 2012

Chocolate orange melting puddings

When you have a niggling feeling for something sweet after an evening meal, instead of chomping away on a bar of chocolate or such, try this. A luxuriously naughty little treat which can be whipped up in no time at all and caters for those sweet cravings after a lovely savoury meal. This little pud was put together from a variety of sources and we believe this recipe is perfect for ease and full of flavour. We love chocolate orange which is a marriage made in flavour combination heaven, but you can also use coffee for a mocha flavour or try other combinations that you may fancy - have a play and see what you can create!

Chocolate Orange Melting Pudding

Serves 4-6

150 g good quality dark chocolate (minimum 70% - we used 85%)
125 g unsalted butter, plus some for greasing
150 g golden caster sugar
40 g plain flour
2.5 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
zest of one orange
3 eggs
cocoa powder for dusting


1. Preheat your oven to Gas Mark 6. Grease 4 large or 6 medium ramekins and dust lightly with cocoa, set aside. 

2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a make shift bain marie with a little simmering water in a saucepan and a glass bowl over the top, stirring occasionally. Cool slightly.

3. Beat together the sugar, eggs, juice, zest and flour then set aside. Combine the melted chocolate and butter with the above mixture, stirring until smooth. 

4. Pour the mixture into the greased and dusted ramekins and bake for 10-12 minutes for the medium ramekins or up to 20 minutes for the large. Bake until slightly cracked on the surface. This will ensure the puddings have a lovely melted centre.

Serve with cream or ice cream. 

Note - You can keep the mixture in the fridge overnight in ramekins to cook the next day should you have too many.

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