28 Sept 2012

Spanish inspired stuffed mushrooms

We're back! Wow it's been a little while since we last posted! We've been all over the place to be honest and now we're finally feeling settled and less stressed in our new place in Nottingham we wanted to pick up what we love doing; cooking and celebrating the tasty food that we cook for ourselves. This recipe came to us as we both love risotto but the key behind it is the enjoying the flavours of Spain and integrating them into a lovely dish that we devoured with pleasure. Imagine the most perfect oozing bed of saffron risotto you have ever tasted with a couple of succulent stuffed mushrooms perched on top. With this recipe you can really taste every individual ingredient and in our opinion it is a perfect representation of Spanish flavours. We think it's best to read through the recipe fully before starting to make sure you have everything ready then it flows so easily. Enjoy!

Spanish Inspired Stuffed Mushrooms

Serves 2


For the Mushrooms
4 Portabello mushrooms - stalks removed (below)
50 g chorizo
4 mushroom stalks, chopped finely
30 g red chilli infused fresh breadcrumbs (1/2 a fresh birdseye chilli chopped finely and blitzed with your bread in a processor - infuse for at least 20 minutes up to 1 hour - best to prepare this early)
1/3 onion, chopped finely
30 g red bell pepper, chopped finely
1 clove garlic
Manchego cheese or other cheese of your choice, grated

For the Risotto
2 tbsp olive oil
100g arborio rice
a good pinch of saffron
2/3 onion, chopped finely
1 chicken stock cube or homemade chicken stock
3/4 - 1 pint boiling water (or homemade stock)
1/2 celery stick, chopped finely
splash of Spanish sherry
squeeze lemon juice
knob of butter


For the Mushrooms/Stuffing:

1. Place mushrooms in a preheated oven (180 C, Gas Mark 4) for 5-8 minutes whilst preparing stuffing. 

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the chopped mushroom stalks with a small knob of butter, cook for 1-2 minutes on a high heat until they begin to colour. Once golden, add your onions with a pinch of salt, lower the heat and cook for 1-2 minutes until softened. 

3. Add the peppers and garlic and fry for a few minutes until soft. Add the chorizo and fry for 1 minute. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl with your pre-made bread crumbs (above). Combine with 1 tbsp of olive oil. 

4. Remove mushrooms from oven, dab excess water away with kitchen paper - spoon stuffing into centres and place back into oven. These will cook until your risotto is ready. The last few minutes place a cheese of your choice on top and grill until melted. To continue with the Spanish theme, use Manchego, or if not cheddar is fine.

For the Risotto: 

5. Make your saffron stock by placing the boiling water in a small pan with your saffron and your crushed stock cube or homemade stock. Heat gently for a up to 5 minutes until you have a beautiful orange stock. 
6. Heat some oil in a pan and fry your onion and celery for 2-3 minutes until softened. Add the rice and cook for 1-2 minutes.

7. Add a splash of sherry, leave to absorb, shuffling the pan occasionally. Then gradually add a ladleful of the stock, allowing the rice to absorb it between each addition (stirring all the time really helps make a perfect risotto). Repeat this until all stock is used and rice is just cooked and not chalky. Season to taste, squeeze in some lemon juice and add a knob of butter to finish. Rest for a few minutes before serving. 

Serve with a lovely green salad and don't forget a wedge of lemon!

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