21 May 2012

Puff pastry pizza

Just a simple recipe tonight, but a delicious one at that. Pastry skills are difficult to obtain if you don't constantly practice - we make certain types of pastry but something that we've never done is make our own puff pastry. I would like to attempt this one day but for the majority of the time we just don't have time to deal with it so we always have a block of puff pastry in the fridge/freezer for times like these. 

There is nothing wrong with this, especially if you wish to get the lovely light crispy layers that the ready-made ones give you (I'd like to see a chef replicate this! If anyone can, please teach me). Don't get me wrong, I'm not endorsing ready-made everything, in fact I'm really quite against it. I love to make as much as I can completely from scratch. I'm not the type to go and buy a jar of sauce or whatever to make life easier. Cooking is a therapeutic activity (and should not be stressful - if it is you're doing it wrong or working in a professional kitchen) and I love getting my hands dirty learning new techniques all the time. I'm not claiming to be the best cook ever and never cheat (only when I simply must). I'm just saying it's perfectly alright to use ready-made puff pastry.

This recipe came to me one evening when we didn't have much in the fridge. It is not completely unique but was a concoction I put together and found to be quite delicious. One thing you may notice is that this is a tomato sauce free pizza - for those worried about the pastry being too dry and flaky - don't be. I can assure you it won't be. This is a great dive in and share between friends dish and is also fantastic cold the next day for lunch or a light nibble. Of course you can vary the toppings but this is what we had when I made it and it worked very well. 

Dig in!

Puff pastry pizza 

Serves 4 


1 block ready made puff pastry (approx 500 g)
1/2 small red onion
60 g cured chorizo sausage (1/4" slices)
1 large vine-ripened tomato
A handful of leftover roast chicken (about 100 g)
3 large chestnut mushrooms
80 g grated mature cheddar cheese 
A drizzle of garlic oil (optional, extra virgin will do just fine)
A handful of rocket (arugula) leaves
Cherry tomatoes 

Notes - Use vine-ripened cherry tomatoes if you can - we were very happy to discover today that this week is British tomato week (May 21st-27th) and have acquired some beautiful Norfolk-grown Piccolo cherry toms. As for the roast chicken - this is either a perfect meal for using up leftovers after a roast or alternatively you can buy a ready-roasted one from the supermarket rotisserie (another perfectly acceptable cheat). 


1. Roll out your ready-made puff pastry on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle to fit the size of your lightly oiled oven tray or baking sheet (ours is 14"x10"), and approximately 1/4" thick. Score a 3/4" wide border around the pastry (don't cut all the way through!) and place in a preheated oven (Gas Mark 6, 200oC) for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden and puffed up.

2. Whilst the pastry is in the oven prepare the toppings. Coarsely grate your cheese, slice your onion and tomato into rings (1/4" thick) and slice your mushrooms. The leftover chicken can be pulled into strips and chorizo sliced. 

3. Remove the pastry from the oven, sprinkle a third of the cheese onto the pastry within the borders (scored previously - if it's massive and puffed up just push the inner section down gently, leaving the borders puffed, but not too much as otherwise you'll lose the layers. Be careful not the burn yourself on the steam released in doing so) layer the toppings as you see fit, I did the onion followed by the tomato, mushrooms, chorizo and chicken and then topped these with the remaining cheese. 

4. Cook the pizza in the oven for another 15-20 minutes or until the toppings are cooked through and golden. Dress with the oil and serve with a handful of rocket and cherry tomatoes. 


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