26 May 2012

Broad beans and bacon on toast

If you're seeking something different for lunch during these warmer months, a light dish such as this is perfect, especially if you fancy something a little naughtier than a salad. This is a conglomeration of various recipes and has become a standard meal in our house as we always have the ingredients available. It is simple and delicious and takes very little time to put together, great for when you are in a rush!

Sautéed Broad Beans and Bacon on Toast

Serves 2


250 g frozen broad beans, peeled
4 rashers bacon, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tbsp freshly chopped parsley
2 tbsp garlic oil
pinch pepper
thickly sliced crusty bread, toasted

Note - We used smoked bacon but of course you can use unsmoked if you prefer. We peel the broad beans because the outer skin is tough and has an unpleasant texture. It is worth the time taking the skins off, but if you like the texture, by all means keep them on. If your mix becomes too dry throughout cooking add more oil. If you don't have garlic oil, simply substitute olive oil and add a finely chopped garlic clove with the onions.


1. Boil the broad beans for 4 minutes in salted water. Drain and rinse under cold water (this will help to cool them down for when you handle them to peel). Peel the skins off and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and then sauté the onions until soft but not coloured (~ 2 minutes). Add the bacon pieces and sauté until browned (~ 5 minutes).

3. Meanwhile, toast four slices of bread. 

4. Add your beans and toss through the bacon and onions (~ 1 minute), season with pepper and add the parsley just before serving on buttered toast.

Hope you enjoy, we sure did!

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