13 Jun 2013

Pan Fried Hake and Vine Tomato Salad

We fancied having something fresh and vibrant for a change and decided upon some fish as we haven't eaten fish in a while. This dish is summery, light and highly fragrant. This summer so far, the weather has been variable, but it has usually been fairly warm and here's a dish that will satisfy those summer food desires. Tonight's supper really hit the spot, the perfect combination of a drizzle of basil pesto and finely sliced basil leaves with a perfectly cooked fillet of hake perched on top.

We've never had hake before this dish but with this dish any firm white fish will do. The hake has the perfect flake and flavour to combine with the tomato salad. We have made the pesto before in previous recipes such as fettuccine with pesto or on our condiment page. The tomatoes must be sun vine ripened tomatoes, they really must pack a punch of flavour, which is enhanced even more by the pesto and a tiny sprinkle of flaky sea salt.

Pan Fried Hake and Vine Tomato Salad

Serves 2 


2 thick fillets of hake
3 large vine ripened tomatoes (the best you can afford)
a small bunch of basil leaves
a pinch of sea salt flakes
a spoon of flour


1. Prepare your tomatoes by slicing medium thickness with a mandolin if you have one, it makes it so much easier, otherwise just do your best with a knife - make sure it is very sharp. Decorate your plate with the tomatoes as you see fit. 

2. Season your spoon of flour on a plate and lightly dust your hake fillets, meanwhile heating a frying pan with a little olive oil. Place your fillets in when the oil is hot and cook for approx 3-4 minutes each side, depending on thickness.

3. Meanwhile, prepare a chiffonade of basil by layering your leaves on top of each other, rolling into a cigar shape and slicing thinly, cutting with one swift motion (a sharp knife and this motion is important, as the more you cut the basil, the more it will oxidise and go brown).

4. Drizzle your tomatoes with a little pesto and sprinkle with a few flakes of sea salt and your basil chiffonade before you place your fillet of hake on top. Drizzle with a little olive oil and garnish with some whole basil leaves. 

We hope you enjoy as much as we did! 

Jacob and Sasha

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