29 Nov 2012

Pan Fried Vietnamese River Cobbler with a Poached Egg

Here is a simple supper for when you fancy something fresh and delicious but you don't have much time on your hands.  Vietnamese River cobbler is an inexpensive yet tasty fish with firm white flesh.  The poached egg lends richness, resulting in a healthy dish with a touch of luxury.

Pan Fried Vietnamese River Cobbler with a Poached Egg 

Serves 2


2 skinless river cobbler fillets
2 large eggs
2 tbsp flour
salt and pepper
olive oil
a salad of your choice - we used lamb's lettuce, spinach, peppers, spring onions, cucumber and tomatoes - a simple green salad would work well too


1. First boil a kettle. Next, on a plate, mix together the flour with some salt and pepper.  Lay the fish fillets on the plate and thoroughly coat them in this mixture, shake off the excess and set aside.
2. Put a large non-stick frying pan on to heat with a little olive oil.  Pour water from the kettle into a medium-sized saucepan and put it on to heat, ready to poach the eggs. 

3. Poach the eggs for 3 minutes for a soft and melting yolk. Meanwhile pan fry the fish for a few minutes each side depending on thickness of the fillet, finishing with a small knob of butter

4. Serve the fish on the salad with a poached egg on top. The richness of the egg yolk works really well with the fish. 


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