22 May 2012

Rich Fruit Scones

Scone - pronounced two ways... there's always been a debate about this. We don't really care too much which way it is said (if you are more interested a here's a link - Scone), we just know that they are tasty.  

We've baked up a batch of lovely fruity cakes for an afternoon snack, these are simply amazing with thick clotted cream and a jam of your choice - we had homemade plum jam and also a grapefruit marmalade, but these are just as perfect with the standard strawberry jam. This recipe came from Jacob's mum, we don't know where she got it from, most likely her mum, but we like it and it goes down well.

Rich Fruit Scones

Makes 10-12 large scones 


1 lb self raising flour
a pinch of salt
3 oz fat (margarine or butter)
3 tbsp caster sugar
semi skimmed milk
5 oz raisins
2 beaten eggs

Notes - The milk was enough volume to bind the mix into a soft dough (if you get a sticky dough, you can reverse it with addition of a little flour). The milk is also used for brushing the tops before they go in the oven.


1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the salt and fat. Rub these together to a breadcrumb texture, add the sugar and raisins and mix through the breadcrumb mixture and set aside

2. Beat the two eggs together and make a well in the flour mix, pour in the eggs and bring together the mix adding as much milk as necessary to bind into a soft dough (approx 3-5 tbsp).

3. No need for a rolling pin here, push the ball of dough down into a round, about 1inch thick and cut using a biscuit cutter (we used a fluted 2 1/2 inch cutter). Place them on a baking tray, brush with milk and bake in a preheated oven (Gas Mark 5) for 15 minutes until golden. 

Serve warm with good quality clotted cream and a dollop of jam and savour each bite!

Jacob and Sasha

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