21 Jul 2012

Focaccia steak sandwich

The weather has taken a turn for the better and after a lovely day getting some bargains for the kitchen herb garden we decided to have a succulent savoury summery treat for our evening meal. I've fancied a steak sandwich for a while and I must admit this is probably the epitome of all steak sandwiches for savoury goodness. There are plenty of varieties but this contains some of our favourite ingredients and this certainly went down well with Sasha's parents. 

Focaccia Steak Sandwich
Serves 4 


For the focaccia
250 g strong white bread flour 
1 sachet of fast action yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
200 ml cold water
a few sprigs of rosemary, leaves chopped
coarse sea salt, for topping

For the filling
400 g thin cut sirloin steak
2 onions
1 star anise
100 g cheddar cheese, grated
2 bell peppers (whichever colours you prefer)
salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil


1. To make the focaccia, combine in a bowl the flour, yeast, salt and oil (place salt on opposite side of bowl to prevent it from killing the yeast), mix together thoroughly and add 150 ml of the water, combining fully and adding the last 50 ml gradually. DO NOT WORRY, it is meant to be very sticky and wet! Do NOT add extra flour and make sure you add all the water! 

2. Knead the dough with oiled hands for 5-10 minutes then transfer to a clean oiled bowl for the first proving for 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.

3. Prepare a tin by lining with greaseproof paper and transfer the dough into it. Using oiled fingers prod the dough to leave the distinctive focaccia dips, cover with a towel and leave to prove for a further hour. Towards the end of the second proving, preheat the oven to Gas Mark 7, top the dough with a sprinkling of coarse salt and the rosemary. Bake for 20 minutes. 

4. Meanwhile, prepare your bell peppers by blackening them - either under a salamander grill or on top of a gas hob, place them in a bowl and cover with clingfilm to steam for 10 minutes. Peel the skins off, deseed and chop into chunks. Dress with olive oil and salt.

5. While the peppers are steaming, chop your onions into half moon rings. Place your frying pan on a medium to high heat with some olive oil, add your onions, star anise, salt and pepper and caramelise until they turn a lovely brown colour - add a knob of butter to help this process along. 

6. Heat a griddle pan until it is searingly hot, lightly brush your steaks with oil and season with salt and pepper on both sides. Griddle until cooked to your liking, set aside to rest for a few minutes, then slice diagonally into strips.

7. Cut your focaccia into quarters and in half to open like a sandwich. Layer with the steak strips, grated cheese, onions and peppers, drizzle with olive oil and then finish with the top half of the rosemary focaccia. 

8. Serve with some salad. If you fancy really making a meal of this instead of a lighter supper double the ingredients above to make larger portions and an extra suggestion may be to add sautéed mushrooms, to add to this blast of intense savouriness!

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