31 Jan 2013

Chicken, Spinach and Cheddar Gratin

We had a selection of cheeses, one of which was a strong Cornish Cruncher cheddar and thought of the many dishes which could be made with such a cheese. In the end we chose this rich succulent dish which for those savoury fiends out there ticks all the boxes. This dish is rich, creamy and intensely savoury for a warming meal on those cold evenings when we all need some comfort. 

Chicken, Spinach and Cheddar Gratin

Serves 2


2 large chicken thighs, boned and skinned
1 rasher of thick cut smoked back bacon, chopped into pieces 
a large handful of spinach
1 thick spring onion, sliced
50 g Cornish Cruncher cheddar, grated
1 tbsp cornflour
1/2 tsp English mustard powder
1 tbsp butter
150 ml milk
fresh breadcrumbs
olive oil
salt & pepper


Preheat oven to 180°C conventional.

1.  Heat a frying pan and wilt the spinach. Set aside to cool and then squeeze to remove the excess water. Lay the spinach in the bottom of an oven proof dish.

2. Add oil to the pan and heat. Season chicken thighs with a little salt & pepper and then sear in a pan to colour them. At the same time, add bacon pieces and fry. Remove the chicken and place on top of the spinach and sprinkle with the bacon and raw spring onion slices.

3. Melt the butter in a saucepan add the mustard powder and cornflour to make a roux. Cook out for one minute then pour in the milk. Heat gently, stirring all the time until thickened, then stir in most of the cheese. Season to taste. 

4. Pour the sauce all over the ingredients in the dish. Scatter with breadcrumbs, the remaining cheese and a little coarsely ground black pepper. 

5. Bake for around half an hour or until the chicken is cooked through and the top is golden and bubbling. Leave to rest for a couple of minutes before serving with fine green beans and sautéed new potatoes.

Chocolate, Almond and Raisin Cookies

We fancied doing a little baking the other day, and what better than a batch of freshly baked, slightly gooey cookies?  As we are on a budget these days, we decided to flavour them with whatever odds and ends we could find in the kitchen cupboard and that happened to be: a few milk chocolate chips and a bar of milk chocolate, a bag of almonds and some raisins. Yummy! So, very simple recipe (adapted from a Nigella recipe) and here it is for you to try!

Chocolate, Almond and Raisin Cookies
Makes about 12

150 g margarine
150 g caster sugar
75 g dark brown soft sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk 
300 g flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
150 g milk chocolate - chips or chunks
100 g almonds, soaked, skins removed and chopped
50 g raisins, chopped


1. First of all preheat your oven. We baked at 160C fan, or for conventional bake at 170C/gas mark 3. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Meanwhile, melt your margarine in a small saucepan.

2.  Beat together your melted margarine and both sugars until smooth. Beat in the eggs and vanilla so that you have a creamy mixture before folding in the flour and bicarb. 

3. Fold in the chocolate chunks, almonds and raisins. Dollop 12 cookie dough blobs onto the prepared tray and bake for 15 minutes until golden and still soft. Cool on a wire rack but don't expect them to last long!